Cloud Specific Details

Cloud vendor specific tool installations and environment variables are required at certain steps based on your deployment path


Provision Enabling Systems

For quick deployment, mainly for development and testing purposes, you may wish to use cloud marketplaces, managed providers or Rierino playbooks for enabling systems:

Set-up Initial Deployment Host

Ansible playbooks require access to VM inventory as well as kubernetes cluster from initial deployment host, which requires installation of certain collections and tools:

AWS CLI Installation
ansible-galaxy collection install

Set-up environment variables used by Ansible and AWS tools:

export KUBECONFIG=[kubeconfig file path]
export AWS_REGION=[AWS deployment region]
export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=[AWS access key id]
export AWS_SECRET_KEY=[AWS secret key]

If you are using WSL for initial deployment and receive error on valid AWS credentials, your instance's time may be out of sync with Amazon servers.

You may use a command such as sudo hwclock -s for synchronization.

As a best practice, it is recommended not to use AWS account root user credentials for these environment variables which are used during deployment.

Provision a Kubernetes Cluster

Note that for AWS installations, you may need to manually update kubeconfig file contents output from "terraform apply" step, setting authentication apiVersion to "v1beta1" if you are receiving "invalid apiVersion"error.

This is due to a compatibility bug between AWS CLI and recent helm/kubectl versions.

It is possible to deploy Rierino platform on any AWS region that has EKS and ELB availability. For the latest list of regions supported for these services, please refer to AWS availability listing.


Configure Network Connectivity

You can use security groups for configuring connectivity between kubernetes cluster and enabling systems (such as one group allowing ingress from all sources within the group and another granting access to static admin IPs).

Amazon Security Groups

You can issue SSL certificates using ACM for your domain.

AWS Certificate Manager

You can reserve static IPs to assign them to external facing load balancers.

Amazon Elastic IPs

You can map your static IPs to DNS records.

Amazon Route 53


Load Balancer Variables

For ansible-playbook deployments including external facing load balancers (admin gateway and admin UI), include the following variables for static IP and certificate assignments:



ARN for ACM certificate (if certificate is used)



List of subnets on which static IPs shall be assigned (if static ip is used)


Last updated