Local Test Deployment
It is possible to develop and test runners with sagas, queries and business rules locally without deploying to the cloud
The simplest way to test runners and flows is by executing a local Spring based event runner, which allows testing via its REST API. This set-up requires the following steps:
Prepare the Test Environment
Enter Required Parameters
Edit "application.properties" file
Add/remove/modify runner elements at the end of file, using id(s) and types of runners you would like to test (current entries runner-admin_rpc-0001 and runner-admin_crud-0001 belong to core admin runners)
Change server.port if preferred
Edit "values.properties" file
Enter "rierino.system.mongodb.devops_main.uri" value as the uri to your main MongoDB server (e.g. mongodb://host:port, if you are not using MongoDB, please contact us for configuration loading alternatives)
Add any other properties referred to with ${{}} in your elements
Edit "secret.properties" file
Add any properties referred to with #{{}} in your elements
Run Application
Execute gradle command provided in "run.sh" file (make sure gradle is in path)
Test access (e.g. http://localhost:1235/actuator/health for health, http://localhost:1235/api/rpc/Hello as a test saga flow)
Now, you can use endpoints defined for your runners from your test environment.
Last updated