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Older version artifacts are accessible through the following repository, given that you have the access rights granted.
Deployment assets are grouped by the Rierino applications that will be deployed (e.g. core, ecommerce) and include the following types of content:
Stored under kv/, includes JSON files used for populating config map and secret contents for different namespaces on a Kubernetes cluster. Contents are grouped under "sources" mapping out different system's configurations and these "sources" are mapped to "domains", for allocation of configurations to namespaces.
Stored under data/mongodb/, includes JSON files matching MongoDB collection names under folders matching MongoDB database names to populate initial records. Contents of these files are in the form of Aggregate records, typically used to initialize DevOps and configurations required to configure first set of runners, UI screens, queries and business rules.
Stored under data/kafka/, includes JSON file(s) describing list of initial topics to create on Kafka with configuration details such as partition count, replication factor and data retention.
Stored under data/elasticsearch/, includes JSON files describing Elasticsearch index mappings as well as TXT files with synonym lists.
Stored under service/keycloak/, includes JSON files that can be imported to Keycloak for creating and configuring realms as well as the clients required for each realm.
Stored under rierino/gateway/, includes JSON files that provide input values for API gateway, authentication and session management service deployments.
Stored under rierino/runner/, includes JSON files that provide input values for runner deployments. Typically only include the first "admin core" runner definition, as the other runners are deployed using configurations stored in platform's database once the core runner is up and running.
Stored under rierino/waveapp/, includes JSON files that provide application module, port and environment variables for H2O Wave app deployments.
Why do we have deployment assets separate?
Instead of bundling Rierino application specific configurations into our charts or other artifacts, we decided to keep them in a separete repository. This, together with the high level of modularity in Rierino's architecture allows us to customize and deploy specific modules simply by enrichin