Recommended: Helm - Fully Automated

Fully automated option uses an umbreall Helm Chart which uses a single release to deploy core components.

"Ready-Core" Helm Chart, which is available on Rierino helm repository performs deployment of all components required for an initial core platform cluster.

helm install ready-core[CHART_VERSION].tgz --create-namespace --namespace admin-backend --set global.mongoDBURI=[MONGODB_URI],global.publicLB=[GATEWAY_PUBLIC_DOMAIN],gatewaySecret=[RANDOM_SECRET],global.rierinoVersion=[DEPLOYMENT_VERSION],global.gitToken=[GIT_TOKEN],global.gitUser=[GIT_USER]

Structure of all input parameters and their default values can be seen at "values.yaml" file of ready-core Helm Chart. The umbrella chart allows using all included helm cart values, such as runner, gateway and runner chart values as well.

Last updated