Dynamic Handlers
Dynamic handlers provide ability to incorporate or customize event handlers during runtime without any Devops requirement.
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Dynamic handlers provide ability to incorporate or customize event handlers during runtime without any Devops requirement.
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Dynamic handlers are typically facilitated by code or package handlers such as OpenHFTEventHandler, ScriptLoadedEventHandler or JarLoadedEventHandler.
Handler codes are code blocks which are compiled dynamically at run-time for highly specialized operations which can not be addressed with available event handlers. Handler codes have the following attributes:
Name: Descriptive name of the code
Status: Whether code is currently active or not
Description: Detailed description of what the code does
Domain: Domain of the code which allows deploying multiple codes using a single code handler
Engine: Language / scripting engine to use (e.g. html, java)
Code: Full script or class implementation body
For Java codes, additional attributes are applicable:
Class: Fully qualified class name to be assigned to the code
Dependencies: Extra jar files which shall be retrieved and deployed when compiling the code
Code: Full Java class extending com.rierino.handler.EventHandler, including actionMap mappings to functions
Handler packages are JAR packages of handler classes which are loaded dynamically at run-time, for use cases that are similar to handler codes. Handler packages have the following attributes:
Name: Descriptive name of the package
Status: Whether package is currently active or not
Description: Detailed description of what the package does
Domain: Domain of the package which allows deploying multiple packages using a single package handler
Handlers: Mapping of unique handler ids to fully qualified class names for handlers included in the package
Files: Jar files included in the package with Urls to download them (see for details)