Release Notes

This section explains the new features and updates applied with each release.

1.1.0 [01/2025]

Board Lister

A new lister with kanban-style board functionality is added for easy management of tasks and software requirements.

Map Editor Preset Option

A new configuration "preset" is added to map editors, allowing a predefined list of keys to be displayed for easy and structured data entry.

GitBook Help Integration

GitBook search functionality is added to help button, to allow in-app searching of relevant content on GitBook.

Request Metadata Claims

A claims map is added to request metadata, allowing passing of user access information in metadata (e.g. roles, seller id) as an alternate to passing them in event payload. This also provides CRUD event runners ability to utilize user access information in their processes (as CRUD runners only receive "parameters" otherwise).

Advanced CRUD Operations

Additional parameters are added to state managers, allowing use of queries to check complex access rights (e.g. user can only access records of own organization) on records, which are utilized by Read, Condition and Write event handlers. These parameters allow using basic CRUD event runners with automated access control, without requiring definition of custom Sagas each time.

LangChain4J Handler

A new ML handler is added, which allows use of chat and image processing models based on a large list of LLM providers (such as OpenAI, Bedrock, Anthropic, Gemini, Mistral, Dall-E, etc.).

1.0.0 [12/2024]

RAI Vision Features

RAI the AI assistant now supports copying and pasting images to generate content, such as:

  • Generating Handlebars template from web page screenshots

  • Generating detailed descriptions from product photos

  • Generating JSON schema from ER diagrams

Advanced Admin-UI Login Configurations

Additional configuration options are enabled on Admin-UI, to enable/disable reCAPTCHA, OTP, external apps in authentication flows easily.

Saga Scheduler

Sagas can be scheduled directly on the runners now, eliminating the need for cron-job deployments for recurring single Saga call activities.

StatfulSet Deployment Option

Deployments can be now configured to deploy as StatefulSet on kubernetes clusters, with pod index assigned as their partition.

Couchbase State Manager

Built-in support for Couchbase is added as a state manager, which can be used via Core+ package.

Read-Only State Manager

State managers can now be configured to be read-only, to safeguard them against accidental use in write action steps.

New JMESPath Extensions

The following extensions are added to JMESPath patterns with this release:

  • salt_key: Generates a secure random key with given length for encryption

  • merge_index: Merges two arrays by their index

  • group_by: Groups entries of an array by a given field

  • element_at: Returns entry of an array at given index

  • cron: Evaluates a cron expression and compares against a given time

Admin UI Landing Path

LANDING_PATH environment variable to redirect users to a specific app or page on domain root URL.

Document Export Handlers

Excel and PDF export event handlers are now available for creating formatted files using event payloads.

Gateway System & Channel Integration

Gateway system configurations are now possible from within channel configuration screen to simplify gateway - runner API mappings.

Python Processor Runner

A direct Process runner is added to Python library to allow running a processor directly from command line without wrapping with an EventHandler for simple job & cron-job use cases.

Rest Response Headers & Cookies

Rest event handlers can now include response headers and cookies in returned results, in addition to response bodies.

Direct RPC Runner Calling

RPC runners now support /api_direct endpoints which allow calling them in similar form as the API gateways (as opposed to /api endpoints which require full Event data format), to simplify in-cluster requests.

0.8.3 [11/2024]

GraphQL Query Support

CRUD event runners now support single-state graphql query operations, with filter, limit, skip and field selection, on /[channel]/graphql endpoints.

Embedded Gateway System Configuration

Gateway channel configurations now allow embedded configuration of gateway system parameters, allowing new channel definitions without a matching system definition.

Runner Element Status

Elements added to runners can now be set to 'Draft' or 'Passive' status, to disable them within runners without removing them from their configuration.

Maximum Rows Limit on States

State managers now allow configuration of 'maximum rows to read', which restrict the maximum number of rows read and condition handlers can retrieve from them.

Application.Properties Configuration with Deployment

'rierino.deployment' parameter is enabled in files (in addition to rierino.runner parameters), to allow dynamic inclusion of runners on application restart.

Ready-Core Helm Chart

An umbrella helm chart named 'ready-core' is added to installation assets to allow deployment of core platform without using Ansible playbooks.

0.8.2 [10/2024]

New RAI Features

This release extends our RAI the AI assistant functionalities with the following:

  • Query AI: Facilitates creating simple, aggregation and pipeline queries, with the ability to incorporate custom database expressions

Admin UI Proxy

Admin UI is extended with /api endpoints, which can be used as a proxy to admin gateway APIs. This feature allows restriction of direct access to the API gateway as well as CORS control when the UI and gateway services are deployed on different domains.

Simple Rule Event Handler

A new event handler is added, which allows evaluation of rules without using Drools as a comprehensive rule engine, for less sophisticated use cases.

Rest Retry & Fallback

Retry and fallback parameters are added to REST system configurations for granular and automated control over access issues in external systems.

State Loader Update On Parameter

A new parameter is added to state loader configurations, allowing users to disable triggering state listeners (e.g. recompiling templates) when a received record is not a real update on existing local copy.

Admin UI Custom Code Actions

Custom code menu actions and events are added to admin UI, to allow extension of client-side flows and triggers without the need for using remote components.

Admin UI Conditional Menus

Conditional display of editor and widget menus is enabled, with the same parameters as conditional tab/editor displays.

Output Element Ignore Option

'-' option is added for event step output element configuration, which allows ignoring produced output from the step.

New JMESPath Extensions

The following extensions are added to JMESPath patterns with this release:

  • get_element: Retrieves specific element inside an array

  • group_by: Groups elements of an array by a given key field

  • decode_url: Decodes provided URL string

  • encode_url: Encodes provided URL string

  • trim: Trims provided string

  • type: Returns type of provided input

Flattened Map Editor

The following parameter is added to MapEditor to allow editing nested objects:

  • flatten: Flag, which allows editing nested objects if set to true.

Delimited Text Editor

A new editor is added allowing easy management of delimited text contents.

Collapsable Editors

A new parameter "collapse" is added to all editors, which allows grouping child editors for collapsed view, to simplify using UIs with high number of widgets.

0.8.1 [09/2024]

RAI Launch

This release includes our launch of RAI the AI assistant, which embeds GenAI capabilities into Rierino UI and APIs. The following assistants are included with this release:

  • Text AI: Facilitates creating and rewording textual contents, including templates and codes, which can be added to value editors

  • Translate AI: Facilitates translation of textual and complex contents, which can be added to localized editors

  • Generic AI: Facilitates creation and revision of business records such as products, which can be added to item menus

  • UI AI: Facilitates creation and enrichment of UI designs, which is already incuded in UI design menus

  • Schema AI: Facilitates creation and revision of data schemas, which is already incuded in schema design menus

Validate Handlebars Menu Action

A new menu action is added for validating Handlebars templates from within the admin UI directly, without the need for trying to render contents. This menu action can be added to any Handlebars value editor.

Migration Lister

A new lister type is added to simplify migration from development to test and production environments, eliminating the need for migrating different assets (e.g. sagas, elements, queries) from different screens.

This screen is accessible through /app/devops/common/migration path.

Earlier Releases

If you are using an older version and need to learn about updates between releases 0.0.0 and 0.8.0, please contact our technical team.

Last updated