Widget Menu Actions
Widget menus are used to perform actions on individual data elements, accessible from icons inline with editor labels.
Copy Value
Copies current value of the editor as JSON to clipboard, which can be used for viewing contents of complex data or copying the same between different items.
Paste Value
Pastes current contents of clipboard as JSON to the editor, which can be used for importing partial complex data or pasting data copied from a different item.
Copy Local Value
Special to localized editor, this action copies currently displayed contents of the editor as JSON to clipboard.
Paste Local Value
Special to localized editor, this action pastes contents of the clipboard on currently displayed editor as JSON for replicating contents of a language or locale to another one.
Set Value
Sets value of the editor to a given constant JSON value or evaluated pattern, which can be used for clearing contents of complex data editors as well as setting them to a predefined or calculated value.
This action has the following special properties:
Value: JSON value (e.g. "Test") or a pattern (e.g. =join(' ', [data.name, data.surname])). If not defined, this action clears contents of the editor.
Open Link
Opens content from a new URL using currently displayed value.
This action has the following special properties:
URL Template: URL path of the content to display with %%value%% replaced with currently displayed value.
Target: Target window to display content on (e.g. _blank).
Window Features: Features of the window to display content on (e.g. noopener,noreferrer).
Query Value API
Sends a request to given API endpoint with the current value and displays results in a table with provided column details.
This action has the following special properties in addition to API action properties:
As: Data element to send value in request (e.g. "value").
Columns: List of table columns to display.
Style: CSS style of table to display.
Call Value API
Sends a request to given API endpoint with the current value and optionally replace current value with returned data.
This action has the following special properties in addition to API action properties:
Require Value: Whether editor should have some value for this action to be active.
As: Data element to send editor value on API call.
Item Path: Item expression for sending extra data (e.g. =id).
Item Path As: Data element to send data calculated with item path (e.g. itemId).
Replace With: Data element in response to use for replacing current value with ($ for root).
Replace Path: Json path to update value on (e.g. child.value).
Refresh: Whether editor should refresh itself upon receiving API response or not.
Input Contents: Contents array for getting additional inputs to be sent along with editor value.
Execute Condition: Condition configuration to allow execution of API call (i.e. for validation of inputs before request).
Output Contents: Contents array for displaying API response details.
Refresh Value
Refreshes contents or lookup values related to current editor (e.g. updating items listed from another source in a drop down).
Translate Value
Translates current value(s) displayed using a translation API endpoint.
This action has the following special properties:
URL: URL path of the API endpoint to call.
Method: REST method to use for calling API endpoint.
Exclude: List of JSON paths to exclude from translation (if value is an object).
Overwrite: Whether to replace already existing language values or skip them in translation.
Toggle Action Value
Toggles a specific action on the current value using a specific function its editor supports.
This action has the following special properties:
Function(fn): Function to call on current editor.
Arguments(args): Parameters to pass on to called function.
Run Code Value
Runs a custom JavaScript code with access to specific widget functions and data as props (e.g. props.data).
This action has the following special properties:
Code: JS code to execute.
Validate Handlebars
Validates the handlebars template in specific widget displaying error details on failure.
Test Jmespath
Tests a JMESPath expression for a given sample input and displays result or error details.
This action has the following special properties:
Remote: Whether to test using server-side engine instead of client-side. When true, API call special properties are also applicable, with request/rpc/ApplyJmesPath being used as the default test endpoint URL.
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