Microservice Examples
These examples can be viewed from Runner and Deployment screens in Devops app
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These examples can be viewed from Runner and Deployment screens in Devops app
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This CRUD event runner provides read/write access to a single MongoDB collection named 'dummy' on 'master' database, through /dummy GET, POST, PUT, PATCH, DELETE endpoints. Full list of operations and parameters that can be used with this runner can be found here.
This runner is mapped to "CRUD Train" gateway system and "Train CRUD" gateway channel, accessible through [API_SERVER]/api/request/train_crud/[PATH].
A standard CRUD event runner includes three handlers: read, write, and condition. These handlers enable operations on states added to the runner. Advanced settings are available, such as restricting read/write access to specific states or using saga flows for custom logic in CRUD operations. More details are provided in the subsequent DevOps sections.
This RPC event runner provides read, write, query, secret and rest handlers as well as dynamic code execution capabilities while orchestating sagas listed in API flow examples.
This runner is mapped to "RPC Train" gateway system and "Train RPC" gateway channel, accessible through [API_SERVER]/api/request/train_rpc/[PATH] URL.
A typical RPC event runner requires an input stream (request_train in training example) and a saga handler at a minimum to grant the runner rights to execute saga flows. All other elements are added based on the intended capabilities and access rights for the runner.
The train RPC runner includes the following elements as an example:
read, write handlers to perform basic CRUD operations in saga flows on 'dummy' collection on 'master' MongoDB database
query handler to run queries on 'master' MongoDB database
rest handler to perform API calls on 'datausa' external system, with predefined 'action' definitions as well
script, template_hb and openhft handlers to execute custom scripts and code, which is stored in 'handler_code' collection on 'devops' MongoDB database and cached locally on an in-memory Map for fast access
rule handler to perform rule calculations, which is stored in 'rule_training' collection on 'config' MongoDB database and used directly without a cache
This CDC event runner listens to changes on the 'dummy' collection of 'master' database in MongoDB and triggers /On_dummy saga flow to process these changes.
This runner is not accessible through APIs and only uses CDC triggers as requests.
A typical CDC event runner includes one or more CDC streams (such as the 'dummy' collection change stream on 'master' MongoDB database in training example), as well as a mechanism for storing and retrieving offsets to allow continuation of CDC flows on service restart. For Spring based runners, a state manager is typically used, whereas Samza based runners have their own checkpointing configurations. A CDC stream can be linked to various roles, such as triggering any saga flow as in the training example, or publishing enriched CDC records on a Kafka topic.
This deployment includes all event runners and is configured for deployment in admin-backend namespace.
The training core deployment is typically installed automatically with the core platform, so it does not require additional deployment actions.