Elasticsearch Queries
These queries are converted to Elasticsearch search parameters and aggregations by ElasticQueryProducer.
These queries support simple, aggregation, command and bundle query types.
Elasticsearch specific features for special use cases are as follows:
Query Parameters
Whether the query is a global aggregation or not
Order Field Parameters
Type of sorter to use (field for sort by field name, script for sort by script evaluation)
Condition Parameters
Boost factor for condition priority in search scores
Name to use for condition
(For EQ & CONTAINS simple conditions) whether check should be case sensitive or not
(For AND & CUSTOM complex conditions) whether inner conditions should be scored (must) or not (filter)
(For array conditions) score mode to apply on nested query
(For array conditions) inner hit statement for nested query
Whether "innerhit" parameter should be injected with variables
General Parameters
For queries, order fields, custom aggregation fields and custom conditions, it is possible to pass Elasticsearch specific statements, using following parameters:
Json object to be used as the field expression
Whether "elastic" parameter should be injected with variables
Json string to be used as the field expression
Whether "elasticJson" parameter should be injected with variables
Custom Condition Operators
For simple conditions, Elasticsearch supports following custom operators:
query_string: Using "elastic", "elasticSearch" parameters or the command value, creates a query_string type query
simple_query_string: Using "elastic", "elasticSearch" parameters or the command value, creates a simple_query_string type query
match: Using "elastic", "elasticSearch" parameters or the command & values, creates a match type query
multi_match: Using "elastic", "elasticSearch" parameters or the command & values, creates a multi_match type query
prefix: Using "elastic", "elasticSearch" parameters or the command & values, creates a prefix type query
terms_set: Using "elastic", "elasticSearch" parameters or the command & values, creates a terms_set type query. When command is used, "data.required_matches" field is used as the "minimum should match" field.
more_like_this: Using "elastic", "elasticSearch" parameters or the command & values, creates a more_like_this type query. When command is used, minimum term frequency and document frequency are both set to 1.
script: Using "elastic", "elasticSearch" parameters or the command, creates a script type query
generic: Using "elastic", "elasticSearch" parameters, creates a query, based on "type" condition parameter
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