Managing Runner Settings
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Each runner specifies the list of streams it consumes and produces to via its I/O settings:
Input Streams: List of streams the runner should consume from.
Output Streams: List of streams the runner should produce to.
Partition Stream: Name of the stream which should be used for selecting runner partition, unless the runner is assigned a static partition.
These settings are mainly required for event streams (e.g. Kafka), and are not critical for REST or websocket based I/O operations. When a runner starts, it connects to the event streams listed in these configurations, which can not be modified while the runner is running (as it would affect partition assignments of runners using the same streams).
Partition stream is important when a runner is listening to multiple event streams, some of which may be used in broadcasting mode. Selecting a specific stream to assign partition to the runner aligns state partition selection strategies with stream feeds, so, when required you should be picking the main data stream for this entry.
The final tab of runner definition screen is the settings tab, which allows entry of runner-level settings when required (such as rebuildMs).
A typical use case for this tab is for assigning default stream to RPC runners (e.g. defaultStream = saga), which allows making requests directly to saga paths, without specifying the stream name.
All runners share the following settings that can be also configured from this screen:
Milliseconds period to check whether runner is updated and automatically rebuild
Milliseconds period to commit current records / resume tokens
When to perform detailed logging for the runner (overrides log_level setting, with options as "never", "always")
Whether the runner should allow use of handlers not mapped on to individual streams for event calls